Seriously Considering...

From this summer at camp:

If it were up to me, I'd abandon this lonely campfire bench and chase the sunset. I wouldn't look up directions, and the map in the backseat would stay there. I wouldn't come back. I could live in my car, find odd jobs in towns I went through. Others can function on less.

But here I sit, rooted by responsibility and commitment. Next year will be my last of set plans. I've yet to make any, and I'm unsure if I want to.

Nightmare Revisited

When I was younger, I used to have this nightmare that would come back every month or two. A car would drive up to our house, and three or four guys would get out and come up to the front door, try to look inside and taunt us. Sometimes I was by myself, with my brother or even when mom and dad were home. There was never any actual violence as I recall, but I think what creeped me out the most was that it was always the same guys in the same car. Maybe this is why I'm not too sad that I don't dream often anymore.

Moments ago, I was out on the driveway taking in the night. To the right, the sky was clear; to the left, the sky was cloudy which blended with the fog as my gaze leveled out. I began to think of how I didn't linger outside much at night back in the day. Granted, the coyote howls in the distance will give me a brief chill and wondering the property across the street is something I still save for daylight hours, but the driveway is comfortable.

Walking back into the house, I started scoffing some of the things that used to bother my younger self. Then I remembered the nightmare. So right now, I'm piddling around the internet and will maybe read or listen to a podcast in a minute. All in hopes that I can ward off the chance of the dream coming back tonight.

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