Flying at Night

Last night, I finished "Flying at Night" by Ted Kooser, his poems from 1965-1985. I feel in love with Kooser two summers ago when I picked up "Delights and Shadows" in the local section at Barnes. Last semester I researched him for a paper and our paths have crossed several times. He teaches at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, and I plan to see if I could take a class from him or a poetry class in general.

So here are my favorite selections from "Flying at Night." Hope you enjoy them!

The Leaky Faucet

All through the night, the leaky faucet
searches the stillness of the house
with its radar blip: who is awake?
Who lies out there as full of worry
as a pan in the sink? Cheer up,
cheer up, the little faucet calls,
someone will help you through your life.

The Grandfather Cap

Sometimes I think that as he aged,
this cap, with the stain in its brim
like a range of dark mountains,
became the horizon to him.
He never felt right with it off.

Boarding House

The blind man draws his curtains for the night
and goes to bed, leaving a burning light

above the bathroom mirror. Through the wall,
he hears the deaf man walking down the hall

in his squeaky shoes to see if there's a light
under the blind man's door, and all is right.

The Goldfish Floats to the Top of His Life

The goldfish floats to the top of his life
and turns over, a shaving from somebody's hobby.
So it is that men die at the whims of great companies,
their neckties pulling them speechless into machines,
their wives finding them slumped in the shower,
their hearts blown open like boiler doors.
In the night, again and again these men float
to the tops of their dreams to drift back
to their desks in the morning. If you ask them,
they all would prefer to have died in their sleep.

At Midnight

Somewhere in the night,
a dog is barking,
starlight like beads of dew
along his tight chain.
No one is there
beyond the dark garden,
nothing to bark at
except, perhaps, the thoughts
of some old man
sending his memories
out for a midnight walk,
a rich cape
woven of many loves
swept recklessly
about his shoulders.

At Nightfall

In feathers the color of dusk, a swallow,
up under the shadowy eaves of the barn,
weaves now, with skillful beak and chitter,
one bright white feather into her nest
to guide her flight home in the darkness.
It has taken a hundred thousand years
for a bird to learn this one trick with a feather,
a simple thing. And the world is alive
with such innocent progress. But to what
safe place shall any of us return
in the smoky nightfall,
when we in our madness have put the torch
to the hope in ever nest and feather?

The Sigh

You lie in your bed and sigh,
and the springs deep in the mattress
sing out with the same low note,
mocking your sadness. It's hard—
not the mattress, but life.
Life is hard. All along
you thought you could trust in
your own bed, your own sorrow.
You thought you were sleeping alone.

College Priorities

Once I was busy like you
(and, arguably, still am).
But when I realized
that four years
soon will seem four months,
you instantly were more important
than tests and free time and responsibilities
that walks and dinners and movies
will easily trump later.

My GPA is a low average,
and my bank account empties
into coffee mugs and gas tanks.
Some may called it life mismanaged;
but memories will be my success.

The Vanishings

I absolutely love this poem. Similar ideas run through my mind very regularly. So happy to have found something I've wanted to write articulated much better than I ever could have.

"The Vanishings" by Stephen Dunn 

One day it will vanish,
how you felt when you were overwhelmed
by her, soaping each other in the shower,
or when you heard the news
of his death, there in the T-Bone diner
on Queens Boulevard amid the shouts
of short-order cooks, Armenian, oblivious.
One day one thing and then a dear other
will blur and though they won't be lost
they won't mean as much,
that motorcycle ride on the dirt road
to the deserted beach near Cadiz,
the Guardia mistaking you for a drug-runner,
his machine gun in your belly—
already history now, merely your history,
which means everything to you.
You strain to bring back
your mother's face and full body
before her illness, the arc and tenor
of family dinners, the mysteries
of radio, and Charlie Collins,
eight years old, inviting you
to his house to see the largest turd
that had ever come from him, unflushed.
One day there'll be almost nothing
except what you've written down,
then only what you've written down well,
then little of that.
The march on Washington in '68
where you hoped to change the world
and meet beautiful, sensitive women
is choreography now, cops on horses,
everyone backing off, stepping forward.
The exam you stole and put back unseen
has become one of your stories,
overtold, tainted with charm.
All of it, anyway, will go the way of icebergs
come summer, the small chunks floating
in the Adriatic until they're only water,
pure, and someone taking sad pride
that he can swim in it, numbly.
For you, though, loss, almost painless,
that Senior Prom at the Latin Quarter—
Count Basie and Sarah Vaughan, and you
just interested in your date's cleavage
and staying out all night at Jones Beach,
the small dune fires fueled by driftwood.
You can't remember a riff or a song,
and your date's a woman now, married,
has had sex as you have
some few thousand times, good sex
and forgettable sex, even boring sex,
oh you never could have imagined
back then with the waves crashing
what the body could erase.
It's vanishing as you speak, the soul-grit,
the story-fodder,
everything you retrieve is your past,
everything you let go
goes to memory's out-box, open on all sides,
in cahoots with thin air.
The jobs you didn't get vanish like scabs.
Her good-bye, causing the phone to slip
from your hand, doesn't hurt anymore,
too much doesn't hurt anymore,
not even that hint of your father, ghost-thumping
on your roof in Spain, hurts anymore.
You understand and therefore hate
because you hate the passivity of understanding
that your worst rage and finest
private gesture will flatten and collapse
into history, become invisible
like defeats inside houses. Then something happens
(it is happening) which won't vanish fast enough,
your voice fails, chokes to silence;
hurt (how could you have forgotten?) hurts.
Every other truth in the world, out of respect,
slides over, makes room for its superior.

Unwritten Rules of Respect

(My editorial for the most recent issue of The Clocktower.)

Who doesn’t love a good concert? I’ve been to several where I haven’t even known the band and had a blast. So I never thought that the Owl City (check out the song “Fireflies”) concert this weekend would be anything but mind-blowing. But now I realize that there’s one thing that can really spoil a potentially fantastic concert: high school teenagers.

At first it was humorous. My friends and I were probably the oldest ones there that weren’t chaperons. We were admitted an hour before the show, pulled out our Chinese takeout (had no idea it was possible for P.F. Chang’s to be subpar), and stood at the front right of the stage.

Teenies and an occasional parent kept packing in as the first performer took stage. By the time the second opening act began, there was no personal space left. I felt like someone was going to turn around and slap me, threatening to have me arrested for violating a minor.

Enter “Blondie,” a barely 18-year-old and her three friends. At first they were on our right. Then they made a human chain and began pushing their way in front of my friend, Claudia, and me. Three feet from the stage to them apparently equates to the nosebleed section.

They weren’t nice about it, and that’s what bothered me most. They didn’t seem to notice that one of the reasons we had strategized our position was for my shorter-than-average amiga. I said, “You realize that now my friend won’t be able to see.”

“I paid the same amount she did,” Blondie responded with a shrug.

Her friends, a bit more thoughtful, convinced Blondie to let Claudia in front of them. Except now this group of rude girls separated us, exactly how one hopes to spend a three-hour concert.

I let it go with a roll of my eyes and tried to enjoy The Scene Aesthetic. And then Blondie starts dancing—and pushing. Hard. Complete with an occasional elbow jab to the girl beside her who was preventing her from becoming one with the stage. She wasn’t going to get away with this. I stepped sideways between her and the girl, giving the victim a sympathetic, apologetic look.

“Stop pushing. You’re being extremely inconsiderate,” I had to yell at Blondie over the music.

“It wasn’t me!” she countered. “I was standing still, I swear.”

This marks the first and only time I’ve wanted to slug a girl. I heard a girl a couple feet away suggest pouring water down her back. No one wanted her there. She kept “discreetly” forcing herself against me hoping to get through. Even her friends started to realize this wasn’t the best idea after one particularly powerful push that almost toppled a handful of people like dominoes.

“I’m really sorry,” one of the friends rather quietly said after we regained our balance. Blondie’s head snapped around towards her friend, shock on her face. She pushed, but this time in the other direction, towards the exit.

I looked around and there were satisfied grins on the faces of everyone around me. But I knew she would be back. And sure enough, towards the end of the set I could see her blond braid working its way back to the spot she abandoned. I had since given my spot to a couple shorter girls behind me and couldn’t really do anything but fume when she began, yet again, pushing.

Eventually she got what she wanted: a very front stage spot where she stood happily jamming out to the main performance. Unfortunately, cheaters often prosper.

The concert was still enjoyable, but didn’t meet my expectations. I couldn’t decide how much of it was Blondie’s fault. Claudia and I decided, after several minutes of perplexed discussion, that this was our most adventurous concert. We hung out backstage, got autographs, danced to the background music with the other band members (except Adam Young, the Owl City lead who we really were hoping to see).

Of course we talked a lot about Blondie and this idea of innate respect, or lack thereof. Some of us know what this means, while others either don’t know or ignore these unspoken social courtesies. Things like not touching or getting too close to art work in a gallery (or audibly criticizing the work when the artist or even other viewers are present). Keeping conversation to a minimum when in church, if not out of respect for God then for those who would be distracted or offended. Playing music over speakers or being loud in a coffee shop where others are trying to concentrate.

It comes to this. You aren’t the only one in this world. As children, we hadn’t yet developed the ability to see life from someone else’s side. But now we have. And if we don’t analyze the way our actions affect others, we’re going to end up a big jerk that no one likes at a concert.

Back Alley

When looking closely
at a place you know well,
you question:
Did these bricks
always look so weathered?
Do those palates
move from beside that dumpster?
Don't these steps
ever get wet from rain?
Did they spell
"Shipping & Receiving" right?
Yup, they did.

Tackling Problems

Feeling grief and joy,
give it up to the darkness:
pillows solve it all.

These Days Are Rare Indeed

It's unexpected. It's rare. It's indescribable. But I'm going to try. It's 3:20 a.m. and I am wide awake. Alive, in fact. Pictures from tonight are uploading to my laptop. "Fresh Feeling" by The Eels is on my iTunes. It's a good night to be in love. So many days I try to make myself love this thing called life, but most of us know that forced affection is oxymoronic. But right now there is no part of me that is trying. There is nothing inside me but joy.

Today wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be a mellow end to the week. Instead, there was the haircut my non-prefered stylist gave me. The pointless drive with a friend to the DMV. The subpar P.F. Chang's takeout (yes it's possible). The Owl City concert where pushy "Blondie" almost ruined the whole thing and I met every performer except the one I went to see. The drive back that I thought my tired body would use to sleep. The cold weather that brought snow.

But my short cut looks great. The trip to the DMV was relaxing. The Chinese take out was still P.F. Chang's, and the appetizer was free. The concert ended up being the most adventurous of any other, and I got autographs for a friend who couldn't get a ticket. The drive back consisted of great conversation and more sweet tunes. And even the snow looks so perfect!

The planets and stars must have come to a rare alignment. It's day that I'll use to remind myself that life is so damn good. I know, I know. Things aren't perfect. No need to tell myself. But right now I'm going to sort through some pictures, maybe write a poem or read some, drag out my coffeemaker or make tea, and simply enjoy that which only the God I know is out there gave me.

Good, Great, Unbelievable, Hard, Cruel, So Beautiful

Today was a good day. Isn't it great to be able to say that? I didn't get any homework done (maybe that was part of it), but I got a lot of miscellaneous items accomplished. Here's a little run down of my day:

  • 8 a.m. — Woke up.
  • 12:30 p.m. — Woke up for real.
  • 1:30 p.m. — Went to The Mill. Organized my planner, called my parents and a friend, sent my dad a check for my car insurance along with a three-page letter, checked PostSecret, the usual Facebook and Blogger checking, read comics.
  • 3:30 p.m. — Returned to room. Watched Law & Order: Criminal Intent (the only one that was on) while doing some cleaning and sorting through clothes.
  • 6:00 p.m. — Started laundry.
  • 6:30 p.m. — Went to Noodles & Co. with a friend for supper. Came back and put laundry in dryer.
  • 8:00 p.m. — Hung out with Renee in Prescott until dryer finished.
  • 9:00 p.m. — Started folding laundry and listened to This American Life. The episode was titled, "The Book That Changed Your Life." It was marvelous to say the least. The last act even had a Midwest theme that further put the beauty of Nebraska and, get this, even winter into a more positive perspective.
  • 10:00 p.m. — Moved my car (got a freaking front row spot!) and called my brother.
Now I'm back in my room. It's seriously been an amazing day! I'm about to put my fresh clothes away and head to bed in order to wake up early tomorrow and work on homework. It's so ironic how it's possible to be productive without doing homework.

What I mainly began this post for was the phone call with my brother. We talk a lot, both over the phone and text message. If you had known us growing up, you never would have expected that we would be communicating this closely as "adults." This past week was his first year of college. We've dialoged a lot about that. It was pretty frustrating for him at first, but he's adjusting fast. I'm sure he'll be completely acclimated in a few weeks.

As I was browsing Blockbuster for a movie to use my monthly freebie coupon on (I ended up with "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"), I spotted "Grind." An avid skateboarder teenager, my brother naturally gravitated to this overhyped, ridiculous comedy. We watched it together, and, oddly, I loved it. Mentioning it to him, we decided to watch it at home over Thanksgiving break along with "Mrs. Doubtfire" and a night of the complete Star Wars original trilogy (let's be honest, they're the only ones that matter might take us a while to find the VHS series in the boxes of movies my parents have packed away).

While browsing Goodwill this weekend for my Almost Anything Goes (class night, basically), I found a CD of the Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." When I was young, I borrowed the movie from a family at our church. I liked it so much, I played the whole thing into a cassette tape so I could listen to it afterwards.

My parents didn't approve of it (they aren't big on theatre in general). Some thing about it being sacrilegious. And I can kind of see it. The play doesn't exactly have any references to God being part of the story. But I don't think it's very harmful. It doesn't mock religion, just tells the story in a different way, mixing current culture into it. For example, in "Pharaoh Story" there's a line that goes, "No one had rights or a vote, but the king / In fact you might say he was fairly right-wing." I never caught that before, but it cracks me up. It don't criticize my parents' view looking back. They didn't make a big deal about it or prevent me from watching it, just was a discussion we had. That's healthy.

I don't have some strong conclusion to end with. The sentiment that comes with looking back just made my day and weekend. It's one of those days where I was able to look at my past, present, and future all at the same time and say firmly, "Life is good."

(P.S. If you didn't catch the reference made in the title, it's an old LFO song called "Unbelievable." Look it up. Go '90s pop!)

English Flavors

Much thanks to Hannah, my amazing poet friend, for this find. I am infatuated!

"English Flavors" by Laure-Anne Bosselaar

I love to lick English the way I licked the hard
round licorice sticks the Belgian nuns gave me for six
good conduct points on Sundays after mass.

Love it when ‘plethora’, ‘indolence’, ‘damask’,
or my new word: ‘lasciviousness,’ stain my tongue,
thicken my saliva, sweet as those sticks — black

and slick with every lick it took to make daggers
out of them: sticky spikes I brandished straight up
to the ebony crucifix in the dorm, with the pride

of a child more often punished than praised.
‘Amuck,’ ‘awkward,’ or ‘knuckles,’ have jaw-
breaker flavors; there’s honey in ‘hunter’s moon,’

hot pepper in ‘hunk,’ and ‘mellifluous’ has aromas
of almonds and milk . Those tastes of recompense
still bitter-sweet today as I roll, bend and shape

English in my mouth, repeating its syllables
like acts of contrition, then sticking out my new tongue —
flavored and sharp — to the ambiguities of meaning.

Reaction to Subpar Days

If I let myself, I could be annoyed constantly for the rest of my life. Before my junior year of high school, I can't remember getting that bent out of shape about things (except for the fact that I was still home schooled). Things are different now, and I have to work really hard not to let people and situations bother me. But there's one that I can't let go.

1) When people insist there's something I'm not saying.
2) When people insist that I'm upset or unhappy with them or a situation.

With the first. Shortly, it's not always a good thing to always say what's on your mind. But apparently I often wear some sort of look that screams, "There's something I want to say." And being told that over and over and over is frustrating. If I have something to say, I'll say it if I deem it appropriate. Let me decide. And if I insist back that "I really don't have anything on my mind," please believe me.

Second. I have good days and bad days. I'm upfront when things aren't going right. Usually I'll at least give a general reason why. Often on bad days, I'm not sociable. I'm not going to want to hang out. I'm going to want to sleep, clean, read, mellow—by myself. This may translate as curt, upset, distant. But this is how my off days go.

If I haven't taken time to explain these things to important people in my life, I should. I think I probably have already, though. And having done that, it's annoying to keep revisiting this explanation.

©2009 Poetry Found Me