My heart lies outside my chest

I oooooh-ed at this today. And the Nebraska one, actually. Shoot, order me one for Oregon too. I really wanted to buy them too after I read how Urban Outfitters stole her line. Another good reason for intentionally supporting individual and local businesses!

Things I Love on Thursday

- Eating lunch at two places with my coworkers (since Bread & Cup wasn't completely filling, we stopped for dollar fries at McDonalds)

- Ordering things that I don't have to pay for...yet still collecting rewards points for them

- A warm car after a cold restaurant

- The thought of an open, non-highway road with windows rolled down (I'm headed home after work today!)

- Jen sharing her cinnamon roll with me...but not with Richard

- When my hair is at that perfect length when it needs no attention post-shower to look good (not like I really give it much attention at any stage)

- This quote: "Fuck what other people like. Like what you like. Everybody's a hater these days, what they don't realize is it's way more fun to like shit. I'm a liker." — Spose

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