
Because I love books, because I mark notes and symbols in the margins, because I too am wondering about my old self:

"Marginalia" by Deborah Warren

Finding an old book on a basement shelf--
gray, spine bent--and reading it again,
I met my former, unfamiliar, self,
some of her notes and scrawls so alien

that, though I tried, I couldn't get (behind
this gloss or that) back to the time she wrote
to guess what experiences she had in mind,
the living context of some scribbled note;

or see the girl beneath the purple ink
who chose this phrase or that to underline,
the mood, the boy, that lay behind her thinking--
but they were thoughts I recognized as mine;

and though there were words I couldn't even read,
blobs and cross-outs; and though not a jot
remained of her old existence--I agreed
with the young annotator's every thought:

A clever girl. So what would she see fit
to comment on--and what would she have to say
about the years that she and I have written
since--before we put the book away?


Hamsoy said...

cool. u write poems. lol. nothing much i can say really. i see u just newly started ur blog. guess ur a smart and decent person to know, so... mmm... guess ill keep myself posted on u. ok bye.

Michael said...

Make sure to note that this particular poem wasn't written by me. But yes, I do write some :) Thanks for checking my blog out!

Hannah said...

That poem is awesome :-) You always find the best!

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