Rulers of the World

This sunrise must be why some people
sacrifice late-night fast food runs
and midnight sitcom reruns.
This refreshing feeling that makes you feel
you can take on the world in a breath.
Knowing you're more responsible than mother nature
who is slowly rubbing her eyes and rolling her colors out of bed.

But I also know why some people don't think
about sleep until all the others are waking.
It's their time to rule the world. No interruptions.
They'll call it "studying," "cramming," "term-paper bullshitting"
when really they're in a room with their best friend
laughing uncontrollably, stuffing themselves with caffeine and junk food,
taking pictures with a webcam.

So it doesn't matter if at 4 a.m.
you're waking up or going to sleep.
Either you were just infinitely powerful
or are about to be.


Hannah said...

HOLYMOTHEROFZUES. What have you been eating lately? Did Wheaties switch to being the breakfast of poets? Seriously, this was amazing. As good, if not better as your last one. I can't decide which I like better. They are both too fucking good. I want to print out both and hang them on my wall. How did you DO this? It's like you had good stuff before, and then BAM--a bomb of pure awesomeness exploded all over the page in front of you. I'd say I'm speechless, but obviously I'm not. I'm just still too busy appreciating your piece to clearly communicate anything beyond ::jaw drop::

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